Streamline your purchasing process with Nova Solutions

Whether you have inquiries or are prepared to place an order, expedite the process by clicking the "contact me" button.

Explore NOVA’s Website Visit Nova Solutions' website to browse our extensive range of innovative products and solutions. Here, you'll find detailed information, specifications, and visuals to help you make informed decisions about your workspace needs. 

Identify Your Product
Identify the product that fits your workspace needs best, whether it's a standard model or a customized solution. This helps us understand your requirements and tailor our offerings accordingly.

Add Technology and Accessories
Decide if you want to enhance your product with technology like our Trolley Monitor Lift™, Downview™, or accessories to better suit your workspace needs. This step allows you to customize your solution for optimal functionality and convenience.

Select Colors/Finishes
Choose the color option that best complements your workspace aesthetic and preferences. This step adds a personalized touch to your selected product, ensuring it fits seamlessly into your environment.

Request a Quote
To initiate the quote process, click on "Request a Quote" after completing steps 1-4. Alternatively, if you prefer to speak with a NOVA representative, navigate the interactive map below and select your state to reveal the appropriate sales and customer service representatives.

Review & Finalize
Carefully review the quote & drawings provided by an Authorized NOVA Representative or Dealer. If everything meets your requirements, submit your purchase order as instructed on your quote.

  1. Explore NOVA’s Website Visit Nova Solutions' website to browse our extensive range of innovative products and solutions. Here, you'll find detailed information, specifications, and visuals to help you make informed decisions about your workspace needs.
  2. Identify Your Product
    Identify the product that fits your workspace needs best, whether it's a standard model or a customized solution. This helps us understand your requirements and tailor our offerings accordingly.
  3. Add Technology and Accessories
    Decide if you want to enhance your product with technology like our Trolley Monitor Lift™, Downview™, or accessories to better suit your workspace needs. This step allows you to customize your solution for optimal functionality and convenience.
  4. Select Colors/Finishes
    Choose the color option that best complements your workspace aesthetic and preferences. This step adds a personalized touch to your selected product, ensuring it fits seamlessly into your environment.